Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Keratosis Pilaris "KP" Routine featuring Lush products!

Along with 50% of the population, I have KP, or "Keratosis Pilaris". It sounds weird/scary/wtf, however it's really just small little bumps on the skin, and is known as "chicken skin". I get these lovely little bumps on my upper arms, and it can be quite noticeable at times. I have found that these two products from Lush actually make a difference. This post could also be titled "My Favorite Lush Products!" because I LOVE these products (not just for KP) and have repurchased them both multiple times.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mini Lipstick Haul & Demo!

Don't get me wrong, I love reading beauty blogs and watching "gurus" on YouTube. However, sometimes this hobby isn't so nice to my wallet. Sometimes they talk about or use a product and I just go "I WANT THAT". And then I buy it. This was one of those times.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sephora VIB Haul!

One lovely November day, my best friend Kailey and I received a magical little card in the mail announcing Sephora's 20% off VIB sale. We instantly dropped what we were doing and darted to the mall. We both had wish lists planned out, however we both kind of lose control when it comes to makeup shopping. (You don't need a savings account, right?) Continue reading to see what we bought! :)